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Inspirational Writings

Stained Light

The Allness of My God

Ship's Wheel

The Turning Point 

White Sand and Stone

Spirit Power

Flower Blossoms

to Glory

Rock Balancing

The Comforter
(Spiritual Affirmations)


Spiritual Love


The Allness of My God


Laurel Marston

Edited by D.M.Y. Willoughby


Sometimes the way gets rough, shrouded with shadows of darkness and despair.  It seems as though life’s dreams, aspirations have died and all our long-cherished hopes and ambitions have disappeared.


In moments like these, I shall not give in to the negative appearances but know, assuredly, that although things may seem otherwise, there is an all-powerful, all-intelligent, all-loving Father watching over me, making the crooked pathways straight and rugged places easy for my feet.


He loves me and He cares for me, not half-way but all the way.


Oh, the Allness of my God!  I will not give way to any circumstance or thing that would seem to obstruct my pathway for I know that underneath me are the everlasting arms.


All the love, all the peace, all the joy, all the power, all the poise, all the courage, that I need to meet life’s experiences, are mine as I choose this moment to accept them from my Father’s loving hands.


I will now rejoice, and as I lift my spirit up from the valley of depression and despair, a great peace floods my being.  I rest assured that all is well, all is secure, all is in divine order, and that all things work together for good to those that love God.


Just stop and think for a moment about – the Allness of your God.


In the First Letter of John, Chapter 3, we find these words: “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the son of God…..” “Beloved, now are we sons of God.”


In this assurance, we rest for we know that as children of God, sons and daughters of the Most High, His perfection and illumination is our divine birthright.  This knowledge disperses all darkness and the clouds of night vanish from our path as mist before the rising sun. 


The road ahead is made clear for we are led by the Son of God whose radiant consciousness of peace shatters and scatters all obstacles.


I know not where the storms may arise;

It matters not

For to the skies of faith and confidence and trust, I now ascend

His word of truth my staff, my rod,

Assures me of the Strength, the Power, the Allness of my God


The Turning Point


Laurel Marston

Edited by D.M.Y. Willoughby


Life’s saddest experiences hold the joys to greater fulfillment if we can only use the down moments as levers to higher and nobler accomplishments. 


Sometimes it seems as if we are deliberately thrown against the stonewall of life.  Such an experience, though unpleasant, may be life’s way of awakening us to our true selves.  We are sometimes thrust into a situation of apparent turmoil so that we may emerge a more definite and self-realized person.  An apparent negative experience can make us a person of nobler character and greater purpose, if we can but learn the lessons it has come to offer, and apply these lessons constructively in our everyday lives.


The throes and blisters of life, even the intense burning heat of this present moment or experience, can serve as the refiner’s fire or the mold to reshape our destiny, and bring out the best in us.


Let the pain of whatever challenge this moment presents – its pangs, its grief – be the lever that will swing you from the dungeon of self-pity and total loss to the zenith of fulfillment and satisfying accomplishments.  The depth of its agony can be the measure of the height of the ecstasy you can experience if you can but get up and tackle life once again.


Many are ahead of you, who have suffered defeat, and the reason for the success they later accomplished, lies in the fact that they defied defeat.  They held their heads high and waded through devastating floods of negative experiences and laughed at the crippling monsters of fear, depression and failure.  They realized that within them was an unconquerable spirit that could not accept defeat.


The very challenge you may be facing could very well be life’s call for you to go forward to greater heights of accomplishments and achievements – to dream, to build, to hope, to aspire.


So, get on with the business of living!  Set a goal, think up a plan!  Strive toward your goal… reach it!   Dare to dream again!  Plug toward that long-cherished desire.  It is never too late to begin again!  Let new faith rise within your heart and muster new faith and courage for inner strength.  There is a Spirit in you that cannot conceive of failure, a will of self-determination that cannot accept discouragement.  Turn often to that center of power within you; let its promptings guide you.


Learn to express yourself as freely and as gracefully as is possible.  This is important, because bottled-up feelings and emotions only tend to choke the free movement of the soul and quite often breed misunderstanding and discontent.  


Because you have been knocked out of the ring and thrown to the ground does not mean that you cannot get up and try again!   You are entitled to make mistakes, to fail, to lose, and you also have the right to begin again!


Say to yourself: “I am a unique person.  I am free to think, to act, to feel, to do, to be myself.  No longer will I allow self-hate, self-condemnation, remorse or guilt to strangle me in its grip, or imprison me in its stronghold of fear, worry and failure.”


So up with yourself!  The ship of life in which you lie adrift on life’s ocean, without will, purpose or destination, needs you to mend its broken sails, to cork its leaking keel.  That very ship in which you lie idly, awaits your command!  It needs you now to chart its course, to set its compass, to hoist its flag, to set its sails, to launch and steer it into unexplored depths, to undiscovered lands, to newer and brighter horizons.


Reassert yourself!  Make no further excuses for life.  You’ve got what it takes – the potential, the charm, the ability, the dignity, the ambition, the wit.  Be the man or woman you have always wanted to be.   DO IT NOW!


This message is written in deep and sincere understanding of your present need.  Remember, you are not alone.  YOU ARE LOVED!  



Short Cut to Glory


Laurel Marston

Edited by D. Willoughby 




For quite some time the idea of writing a booklet has been heavy on my mind.  At times, I have felt somewhat incapable of writing a booklet seeing there are so many great authors, poets and writers.  However, the inner voice has not ceased its promptings, so I concluded – “Why not become as a little child, and write a booklet in the simplicity of God’s language, for within me is the knowledge of Omniscience which I need.  I have attempted to do so.


 This booklet is intended to convey to the world in love the message of Jesus Christ.  I trust that it shall accomplish that end to the glory of God.  As you read the pages ahead, may they glow with spiritual light and may your inner sight be quickened by the nature of the Holy Spirit.



Sincerely in Christ,


Laurel Marston


The Prodigal Son


Jesus told a very interesting story.  He said in essence, “Once upon a time a rich man had two sons.  The younger one said to his father, ‘Dad, give me the portion of legacy you have willed for me, so I may go out and make a living for myself’.”


His father was somewhat unhappy by his son’s decision, however, he granted him his request and turned over the legacy to him.  The young son left home and travelled off to a distant country.  He was quite unaware of life outside of the farm, its pitfalls and enticements, and soon squandered all his money.  He became destitute and out of desperation began looking around for a job.   The only job he could find was one with a keeper of pigs.  His duty was to care for swine, and sometimes he became so hungry that he would eat the pigfeed.


One day as he sat there hungry and sad, a thought came to his mind.  “Why are you sitting here hungry, poor and sad, when your father’s table is full to overflowing with rich food and wine?  The servants are well fed, and there is enough left over from his table to feed the poor.  Why don’t you go home?”


The lad thought for a while and then made up his mind to return home.  He began thinking about what he’d say to his father on return and hoped that he could be taken on as a servant, as he felt quite guilty and unworthy of being acknowledged as a son.


He travelled for many miles, but when he was still some distance from home, his father spotted him and ran towards him.  He hugged him, kissed him and said compassionately – “My son whom I thought was dead is alive!”, “My boy whom I thought was lost is found!”  His dad wept with compassion and joy.


The lad said repentantly, “Dad, I have done wrong in your sight and in the sight of God.  You don’t have to acknowledge me as your son any longer.   Make me one of your hired servants.”  But his father said to the servants, “Go, bring a brand-new robe and put it on him, and bring sandals for his feet; get a ring for his finger and get a nice fat calf and make a big feast.  Get musicians and let us dance and be merry for my son whom I thought was dead is alive.  He whom I thought was lost is found!”


The older son was out in the field at work and as it was near sundown he began to journey homeward.  When he came near the house, he could hear the strains of music and caught the aroma of roasted meat and the delicacies being prepared for the feast and wondered what was going on.  He inquired of one of the servants, and was told the reason for the merriment – the return of his brother.  The older brother became jealous and refused to go into the house.  His dad noticed the situation and went out to talk to him.  He said to his dad, “Dad, all these years I have served you faithfully and yet you never thought of giving me a party so I could celebrate with my friends.   But now your other son who has disappointed you so badly and broke your heart, for him you have prepared a feast!”


The father placed his hands on his older son’s shoulders and embraced him and said, “Son, you are always with me and all that I have is yours!  But rejoice with me for this son (your brother) was as dead, but is alive again, was lost but is found!”

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32



A Deeper Look


Let us take a closer look at this story to try to gain a deeper insight into this parable.


What lesson(s) can we learn from this story?   Let’s begin by seeing the prodigal son as representing a particular state of mind.  One in which we separate ourselves from God.  A state of mind in which we are seeking happiness and looking for any easy “shortcut to glory” by relying solely on our own self-will and personal ego.  We have closed our minds to and stand apart from God.  Because we have separated ourselves from God, we may soon come to the realization that without God’s guidance and assistance this so-called glorious journey is a hell instead of a heaven.


We have all strayed from God’s oneness.  We are all guilty of trying to rely on our own self-will and ego.  But as the prodigal son, at some point realized, we too can choose to return to our father’s house and learn to pick up the pieces and make a new start.  Even in the mace and wilderness of life’s confusion we, like the prodigal son, can seek our Father’s house, amidst the complexities of life and find it. 


The prodigal son’s decision to return home was difficult.  He may have dreaded the thought of meeting an unwelcoming father, angry brother, and the shaming from curious neighbors and disappointed relatives and friends.  Little did he realize how his father lovingly awaited his return.  It mattered not whether he came back as a millionaire or as a beggar; all the father wanted was the return of his son.  So does God eagerly await our return



Our Connection with God 


What about the older brother?  What is the symbolism there?


The story tells us that the older brother never left home.  When his younger brother returned, this older brother refused to enter the house or to join in the feast and reception.  This may represent how, at times, we may harbor negative thoughts and feelings such as resentment and anger which blocks us from fully connecting with God.  The older brother robbed himself from experiencing the joy derived from forgiveness, his father’s love, his brother’s healing, and being in connection with his God consciousness.  


How many times have we short-changed and deprived ourselves of the peace, plenty, love and glory of our Father’s House, by deliberately closing the door to our good.  We do this constantly, yet unaware, by judging only by appearances, by seeing only error and faults where we could have envisioned God (or Good). The Father in the story represents Divine Love which God is, our higher self, the Indwelling Christ.  God is always within our reach.  However, we must choose to open ourselves up and release all the negativity that blocks us from connecting with this Divine Love and our God (or Good).


The Father-Mother God (Absolute Good) is within each and every man, woman and child awaiting recognition – ready to unfold us in Its gentle all-embracing Love.  Our Father-Mother God lovingly awaits our return.  A change of heart, a new concept of thinking is the only necessary factor to bring us back to the Father’s House.  As Saint Paul puts it…….. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”


The Master said “The kingdom of heaven is within you!  Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.”  We must take the first step to return to our Father’s house.   It takes but our conscious decision to set our face homeward, and toward a greater awareness of the Christ Presence dwelling within us.  


This is the way HOME – Our only shortcut to glory!



Spirit Power


Laurel Marston

Edited by D.M.Y. Willoughby


Once upon a time, as the story goes, a tired way-worn traveler, who had been carrying a heavy load of bricks for many miles, was sighted by a fine farmer riding into town.  The farmer stopped his automobile and inquired of the traveler’s whereabouts and how he could assist him.


The traveler accepted a ride from the farmer and what a relief this was for his sore shoulders and tired aching feet.  He sank into the cushiony velvet seat of the automobile with a sigh of freedom and release resting the bag of heavy bricks next to his feet.  However, no sooner than the automobile had gone about half a mile, the traveler unconsciously picked up the load of heavy bricks from beside him and again placed them on his shoulders.  When he alighted from the car at his point of destination, he felt as tired as when he had entered it.


Just as this traveler, many of us are the same way with our problems.  We take them to the Lord in prayer, but no sooner than we are off our knees we take them on again.  Instead of picking up the burdens again, let us place on our shoulders the easy yolk of Christ Jesus.  He said – “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Hear also the comforting words of the scriptures: 


“Cast all your care upon Him; for he careth for you.” I Peter 5:7

“Cast thy burden upon Jehovah and He shall sustain thee.”  Psalms 55:22


The Power of the Holy Spirit is able to dissolve all inharmony and negation, and nothing of darkness can stand before its illuminating presence.  It acts as a shock-absorber for the bumpy roads and pitfalls of life and the hurts and heartaches that we may sometimes encounter.


The Holy Spirit is Love perfected, and “perfect love casts out all fear.”


Therefore, trust in the Lord, rest in the Father’s Love and let Spirit Power shed its grace upon you and fill every moment of every day with its wonder-working presence.


The power of the Holy Spirit is able to carry all your loads, to bear all your burdens, and more than that, to dissolve them and transform them into positive radiant energy of joy and peace. 


“Can you find a friend so faithful, 

Who will all you sorrow’s share?.....

In His arms He’ll take and shield you.

Thou will find solace there.”


​Excerpt from Hymn What a Friend We Have In Jesus​ written by preacher Joseph M Scriven as a poem in 1855 



The Comforter

(Affirmations of Spiritual Comfort)

By Laurel Marston

Edited by D.M.Y. Willoughby 


This booklet is lovingly and prayerfully prepared for you.  May you find in these messages a blessing of peace.



Laurel Marston




1. ​A Day To Learn

Whatever confronts me today, I accept as experience for my growth and spiritual development.  If my day is filled with pleasant joy-filled experiences and love, I will give thanks.  If things seem dull or uncertain, I will learn to do the best I can with what I have and be thankful.  I will turn every challenge into a blessing this day.


Scripture: “This is the day which the Lord hath made:  We will rejoice and be glad in it.”


2. I Am Determined

Today I am determined to be cheerful and pleasant even in the midst of turmoil and confused situations.  I refuse to let things get the better of me.  I am in control of life and circumstances.  Person, things or conditions do not control me.


How I react to my experiences today determines how I feel at the end of the day.  When I retire from today’s toil and experiences, I must be able to say: - “With God’s help, I have made a wonderful, wonderful day! 


Scripture:  “In everything give thanks!”

                    “All things work together for good, to those who love God.”


3. Helping One Another

A word of cheer, encouragement and understanding means a lot to another who may not have the courage or the discipline to face a difficult situation of grief, loss or hurt feelings.


This day I send my blessings of healing love to the world around me.  In return I receive the healing blessing of the whole wide world. I make a special effort today to make someone happy by an act of kindness, a silent blessing, a smile, or a word of encouragement or sincere appreciation.  


Scripture: “A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.”

                   “Bear ye another’s burden.”


4. Peace Sweet Peace

I have a great well-spring of peace deep down within my soul today.  I stir up this fountain of peace and its sparkling waters flow throughout my entire being and pours out from me to give peace to my world.


Despite what is taking place around me, I refuse to be unduly perturbed or distressed.  I cultivate a peaceful attitude and environment and so create a tranquil atmosphere at work, at home or wherever I may be. 


Scripture: “In quietness and confidence is your strength!”


5. Nothing Is Impossible

There is nothing that I cannot do with a little confidence in God and myself.  Whatever my hands find to do, I will do it with all my might.  I put enthusiasm and zeal into all projects, duties or ideas that present themselves to me.


I am convinced that a Power greater than I can accomplish tasks that seem at first overwhelming or even impossible.  With the peace of Christ in my heart I can dream the impossible dream and accomplish the seemingly “impossible.”


Scripture: “All things are possible to him that believes!”


6. I Am Health Perfect and Whole

Today and every day I think healthy, constructive thoughts about my body, my mind and my affairs.


Negative thoughts will create a sick mind and body, and will attract limited conditions into my life and affairs, therefore I must endeavor to keep a positive frame of mind.  I begin by knowing that right now I am totally healthy in mind, body, and affairs. 


Scripture: “For freedom did Christ set us Free.”

                   “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”


7. Protection

I am not afraid for my Divine Protector takes absolute care of me all the time, wherever I am, day or night.  I am surrounded with the beautiful mantle of God’s protecting presence, and as it wraps around me all doubt and worry leaves me.  My faith is anchored in Divine Providence and all danger or fear of hurt is far removed from me.  I surround and enfold my loved ones, friends and neighbors in this protecting light.  My heart is lifted up and my soul is unburdened.  THANK GOD!  Today I walk with God unafraid!  Today is a day of Love, Light, and Joy!


Scripture: “Walk in newness of life.”

                   “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”


8. Thanksgiving

Thankfulness and appreciation are important ingredients in the recipe of PROSPERITY.  The more I bless and appreciate what I have and what I receive, the more good flows to me in unlimited measure.  I also bless with love what I give to others and release it lovingly without a thought of lack or limitation.  If I feel downhearted, I take some time to think of things or persons in my life for which and for whom I can give thanks.  We thank God for the breath of life, the air, the sunshine and soft breezes that gently fan our faces, for the harvest of rich grain, for shelter and clothing, and above all for life.



I repeat this statement over and over again today with a song of gratitude deep in my heart.  


Scripture: “Rejoice in the Lord always; Again I say unto you – REJOICE.”


9. Lovingly In The Hands Of the Father

Lovingly in the hand of the Father, I place my loved ones and myself today.  Maybe there is a close relative or friend who is not living up to my expectation.  Maybe I feel disappointed because the help I gave or the time and interest I invested in this person has not brought forth the results I anticipated. Right now I will begin to release and let go my tense hold on such a one and the anxiety I feel for them. Although I cannot see or fathom the depths of the soul of this dear one, I will remember that Divine Intelligence knows all things and is the deep searcher of human hearts and minds.  I will remember also, that the Higher self of this loved one knows its mission here on Planet Earth, and despite what appears outwardly, is fulfilling its divine mission.  The soul knows the journey it is taking and perhaps this loved one would benefit from far less interference from me, although my intentions are well meaning.  


Let me pray this positive prayer of total release for our loved one. 

“I now lovingly release you and let you go into the Mighty Father’s care and keeping.  I now allay all fears and anxiety for you, and calmly rest in deep assurance, knowing that all is well with you.“ 


Scripture: “Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God.”


10. Good Relationship

The persons we term troublesome or negative, can be a means of bringing out our nobler qualities and inner strengths.  Although it may sometimes seem that they are testing our patience, at the same time they are really helping us to develop a greater sense of tolerance and understanding of people and of our world in general.


In most situations where we are confronted with difficult personalities who display attitudes that get us upset or feeling down, if we can begin by silently identifying with the Higher Self or the God Self of such a person it will amaze us to see the great change that will follow in our relationship with them. 


Today I silently bless with love and understanding such a one and every person in the world with these words: - “I BEHOLD THE LIVING CHRIST IN YOU!”


Scripture: “Beloved now are we children of God.”


11. Patience

Today I refuse to hurry or be hurried.  Even in the hustle and bustle of life, I will make time to walk slowly for even a few minutes, to take a few deep breaths and to say to my heart, mind and body – “Be still and know that I am God.”


Even during my busy routine, I will take a moment or two to stand and gaze at God’s beauty.  I can learn a lesson of ease from the things of nature all around me.


God’s creation is built on the concept of work and rest.  Today I work but I also find time for rest and relaxation.  


Scripture: “In returning and rest I shall be saved.  In quietness and confidence lies my strength.”


12. A Blessing On My Home And Loved Ones

Dear God, I thank you for my home and family.  In the past I may have been negligent in giving thanks and appreciation for shelter, food, clothing, for my friends and relations, and for all the wonderful gifts of life and living.  Today I will take a moment and lift my heart in thanksgiving for the wonderful ways by which you have blessed and provided for me and for those I love.


I am assured that your blessings of grace will continue to shower upon my home and upon all who are a part of my living experience.  


Dear God, I am indeed grateful for you for all the many blessings which you have so generously and lavishly poured upon me.  Thank you Father – Mother God!


Scripture: “Peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces.”


Spiritual Love Offerings

by Laurel Marston

Edited by D.M.Y. Willoughby


Today we sow the seeds of love

By thought or word or deed

Tomorrow, reap the harvest ripe

A rich and welcome yield

(L. Marston)


These Love Offerings are intended to be used to share Love and Blessing with those in the world around us whom we love, whom we understand, as well as with those we may not understand, but must learn to love and understand anyway, simply for the sake of loving.  Love is the greatest gift you can share.  Share that gift with someone today.  


Love Offering No. 1

(To a Neighbor, Friend, Landlady or Landlord)

Silently say to this person – “I understand your need.  I love you because you are a child of the Universe.  I bless you and your family with understanding, love, and compassion.  You have dreams and aspirations as I have.  You have challenges to face as I have.  I behold you happy, satisfied, fulfilled, and free.  We live and work together in perfect harmony.  We are a family of love.”


Love Offering No. 2

(To My Family Members)

“Thank you for being here.  For being near when I need you.   You mean a lot to me, and even though I may not or cannot express my feelings sincerely, yet I love you anyway.  I send you thoughts of peace, faith, and encouragement.  I see the light of fulfillment shining brightly for you.  I bless you with courage, wisdom and perseverance to accomplish all your heart’s desires.”


Love Offerings No. 3

(To a Youngster)

“Divine Intelligence and Wisdom direct your every undertaking.  You think wisely, act wisely and speak discreetly.  You speak the truth with love under all circumstances.  Your life unfolds as a beautiful flower, expanding into greatness and fulfillment.  You are a blessing to your family, you are a blessing to your community, you are a blessing to your world.”


Love Offerings No. 4

(To a Co-Worker or Boss)

“I appreciate you because most of my days are spend around you, therefore you are an important part of my life.    Because the work that you do is important to the overall plan of this organization, you are helping me to earn my daily bread.  What better gift can you give to me?  I say to you today – Bless you! You are a wonderful person.”


Love Offering No. 5

(To Someone of Another Race, Nation, of Religion)

“The unifying bond of God’s peace now brings together the whole human race into one complete and perfect whole.  “OUT OF MANY ONE,” out of diversity, solidarity.

The Inner Self of you is in perfect harmony with the Inner Self of me.  I cannot help but love you for you are part of me, and my world.”


Love Offering No. 6

(To Your Neighborhood and Community)

“I love and bless my neighborhood and surroundings today.  I send out thoughts of love to all those who make it possible for me to live comfortably, safely and happily.  They all play a special role in making my life meaningful.  I bless all those that work to benefit of my community and my family.  Today I say: “Thank you for blessing me!”


Love Offering No. 7

(To Someone in a Hospital or Mental Institution)

“Today I behold you perfect and free in mind, body and Spirit.  I see you courageous, strong, fearless, and free.  I think of you as having a new mind, and taking a new and positive outlook on life.  As a child of the Universe, you are endowed with limitless potential for good.  You are heir to perfect health and freedom.  GOD IS BLESSING YOU NOW!”


Love Offering No. 8

(To Someone Confined to Prison)

“You are wonderful free Spirit.  The greatest gift I can offer you today is your gift of freedom.  This I offer you by beholding you free in mind, body and Spirit.  You are a child of the Universe endowed with infinite possibilities and great potential for good.  


Love Offering No. 9

(To Your Minister or Spiritual Leader)

“You are a very special person because you have a great spirit of love within you.  As a child of God, I see you patient, understanding and strong.  God’s harmonizing love, now flows through you, making your life a blessing to all whom you meet and serve.  I bless you.  I appreciate you.”


Love Offering No. 10

(To World Leaders, Politicians and Government Officials)

“Honesty, integrity and good judgement are positive thoughts I send out to you today.  I see constructive ideas flowing to you, now, that will ensure world unity and lasting peace among all nations on Planet Earth.  As the world looks to you for guidance and leadership, I visualize the Higher Power of the Universe illuminating you with ideas to justly lead our countries and world.” 


Love Offering No. 11

(To Business Institutions and Businessmen)

“I see you doing what is best for your clients, with honesty and integrity.  I send out love thoughts of order, wisdom and prosperity to your establishment.  Today I say, “Thank you for your help and services rendered to me, to my family and to my fellow men.”


Love Offering No. 12

(General – For All Needs)

“Today I bless the whole wide world with loving thoughts of order, rightness and peace.  Today I send thoughts of forgiveness and understanding to all humankind.  Wherever I would cast blame, I show love.  Instead of criticism, I send forth thoughts of compassion.  Today I love my world and my world stands in perfect order.”

Laurel Marston

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